Research and analysis

An important element of our work is to influence decision-makers from business, public and private sectors. Activities are aimed at making policy documents and recommendations for the implementation of specific measures in the area of women's human rights and gender equality policies as well as presenting them to the general public and key decision makers in the governmental bodies  and private sector.

  • PLAY IT FOR CHANGE- Research report on the prevention of gender-based violence through audio-visual media and music

    The report presents results of the research on the impact of gender stereotypes in audio-visual media and music on youth attitudes and behaviours towards gender-based violence (GBV), and the assessment of the needs of teachers to prevent GBV.

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  • Conscience-based refusal in reproductive medicine

    Considering the findings of this research, and in order to regulate conscience-based refusal in a way that it does not hinder the availability of legal health care, it is necessary to adopt and implement standards that would clearly articulate the state's obligation which guarantees that conscience-based refusal in practice does not obstruct access and availability of lawful medical care in a timely manner, to ensure supervision and monitoring of practice as well as to seek responsibility of those who do not respect the standards.

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  • Expert opinion to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia in reviewing the constitutionality of the Act on Health Measures for the Realization of the Right to Freely Decide on the Childbirth

    On the occasion of the announcement of the Constitutional Court of Croatia that a decision is soon to be reached on the constitutionality of  the Act on Health Measures for the Realization of the Right to Freely Decide on the Childbirth (NN 18/78), CESI - Center for Education, Counselling and Research submitted amicus brief to the Constitutional Court that explain how international human rights law, comparative European law, constitutional jurisprudence in Europe and international public health standards support women's right to access safe and legal abortion.

     The Constitutional Court decision rejected claims made by conservative groups and individuals that allowing women access to abortion on request was unconstitutional. The Court ruled that by allowing women's access to abortion in these circumstances, the law gives effect to women's constitutional rights to privacy, liberty, and personality and complied with international human rights law and comparative European law. As the 1978 law predated the current Croatian Constitution, the Court requested that the Croatian Parliament adopt new legislation within two years

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  • Joint submission to Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

    Joint submission by the Center for Reproductive Rights, Centar za edukaciju, savjetovanje i istraživanje (Center for Education, Counselling and Research - CESI) and Roditelji u akciji (Parents in Action - RODA)

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    This report focuses on the neo-conservative groups and their political agenda of opposing the laws and policies concerning sexual and reproductive health and rights in the European Union. In the last few years, the member states have witnessed a rise of some new, seemingly grassroots movements.

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    This paper involves analysis and mapping of relevant stakeholders, legislation, policy and practice of the issue of abortion on demand in the Republic of Croatia in year 2014, with the aim of obtaining better insights and contributing to the understanding of the overall situation.

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    FOR VIOLENCE-FREE RELATIONSHIPS – Research and Analysis of Strategies and Prevention Programmes on Teen-dating Violence (CESI, 2012.) offers analysis of national strategies and county programmes dealing with young people and gender equality policies.

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  • Sexuality, Reproductive Health and Gender Equality Issues in Textbooks

    Total of 27 textbooks / workbooks/ task books used in primary and secondary schools for following subjects: Science, Biology, Ethics, Psychology, and only those used in certain grades was analysed. The textbook analysis was conducted in March and April 2010. Textbooks were chosen on basis (...)

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  • Analyses of the Public Policies in the Republic of Croatia

    Policy analysis is a part of the Men and Gender Equality Policy Project led by Instituto Promundo and theInternational Center for Research on Women (ICRW). Policy research and analysis was carried out in six countries in 2009-2010. Participating countries were: Brazil, Chile, Croatia, India, Mexico and Rwanda.

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    International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) is a part of the Men and Gender Equality Policy Project led by Instituto Promundo and the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW). Research in Croatia was conducted using a sample of 1500 men and 505 women aged from 18-68, in the Republic of Croatia. Most of the men and women are either married or living with their partners, they have graduated from high-school and consider themselves religious.

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  • Women in Local Elections 2009

    CESI published an analysis of women's participation in 2009 local elections as part of the "Women's Leadership in Local Communities" project. The analysis was aimed at county organizations of the four largest parliamentary parties as well as their headquarters in Croatia.

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  • CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS "Gender Policies to Local Communities"

    CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS were drawn from a seminar "Gender Policies to Local Communities" that took place in Donja Stubica in 2009 (Thermal Spa Jezercica, from February 28 to March 1, 2009). The seminar was attended by representatives of county, town and municipality gender equality committees participated. Available in Croatian.

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  • Equal Opportunities on the Labour Market

    Within the project "Enhancement of the gender equality legal framework" CESI conducted the research and published the brochure, which includes methodology, results of the research, and general conclusions and recommendations. The goal of the research was to establish, whether and in which (...)

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  • Analysis of policies for equal opportunity on the labour market

    Within the project "Creating New Possibilities for Engaging in the Labour Market" an analysis of the implementation of measures from the National policy for the promotion of gender equality and National action plan for employment in year 2008 was made. The analysis was performed by associate Vesna Kesic. Available in Croatian.

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  • Feminism and the State

    "Feminism and the State" is a report that combines the results of two research projects, which were completed during 2006 and 2007. From the beginning, the research and results were treated as a single unit. Therefore, in this report both research projects are treated as a one entity.

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