Our Work

  • Social justice and equal opportunities

    We are committed to socially just society where all people have equal rights and equal opportunities to realize their potential and participate equally in all aspects of social, political, cultural and economic life. Design and implementation of projects aimed at improving the situation of (...)

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  • Social activism and political processes

    During our work, we analyzed a number of laws pertaining to gender equality and their compliance with EU legislation; we drafted recommendations for improvement of protection of women rights and political participation of women and youth. We conduct trainings on gender equality and we have, in (...)

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  • Sex, gender and sexual rights

    We continually advocate for a sex education in schools respecting human rights and warn on the lack of information on sexual and reproductive health in the formal education system. We have designed an experimental program of gender/sex education for pupils of secondary schools and produced (...)

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  • Library

    Departments and Subjects Our library has over 1000 titles with a wide range of subjects such as: feminism, women's history, women's human rights, civil society, sex and gender, women's health, reproductive health and adolescent sexuality, violence, literature, art, culture, politics, (...)

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